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Second Base Umpire of Hugo Becomes a Librarian
By George LaValle, N0SBU
I’m sure that all of you are aware that the Handiham headquarters office is moving to Camp Courage near Maple Lake, MN. When I first heard about the move, I asked Pat what would become of the tape program. He said it possibly would also go to Camp Courage.
Since my volunteer duties include making up the monthly digest tapes, I felt it would be a long trip to go out there to copy them. I offered to move all of it to my home QTH here in Hugo, MN. Between last Thursday and this Monday I was able to move all of it over here. I now have the tape library here in my basement. I hope to have an updated tape list available soon as there have been some changes to the list.
I would like to thank Pat, WA0TDA, Nancy our administrative assistant, and of course Avery, K0HLA, who taught me how to use all of the equipment to make the tape copies and what all of the different masters are for and why.
With their help we made this move seamless!
So from the “Hugo Tape Library” I would like to bid you a good week. Please check out the Manuals and the Members Only pages on the Handiham website to see what we have in our tape library. Give us a few weeks to reorganize, though, and to get current information on the site.
73 from the Second Base Umpire of Hugo, N0SBU, George.
Now where did I put that last tape order that Nancy sent me?
Take a look at George's library setup in this Adobe Flash slide show: