Welcome to Handiham World!
Picture: The Red Cross truck with many antennas, as shown to HAMVENTION(R) participants. It is one of many informative displays that make the world's largest amateur radio trade show well worth your time and effort.
It's time to remind our readers and listeners about the biggest ham radio event of the year: Dayton HAMVENTION®. Visit Courage Center's Handiham System while you are at HAMVENTION. We will be at booth number 332-C, which is indoors not too far from the forum rooms. If you attend, you will be part of the world's largest ham radio get-together, the place to meet your fellow amateur radio operators, learn about new technologies, and shop for new equipment. All of the "movers and shakers" in ham radio will be there, so it's fun, exciting, and a place to learn and grow. Dates are May 16, 17, & 18, 2008.
Dr. Tom Behler, KB8TYJ, from Big Rapids, MI, will be giving a presentation in one of the forums at HAMVENTION, and I have accepted his kind invitation to attend, as there will be several references to Handihams. In addition, Tom says that he plans to cover the following topics:
- An overview of some of the adaptive aids that I, as a blind ham and county emergency communications coordinator, use to help me do what I do.
- A discussion of actual or potential roles that people with disabilities could play in providing amateur radio communications during emergencies or other times of need.
- A brief overview of the new "Sociology Of Disasters And Emergency Preparedness" course that I now teach at my University.
If you are at Dayton, you won't want to miss that!
Patrick Tice
Handiham Manager