Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute Handiham World Weekly E-Letter for the week of Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Welcome to Handiham World.
Don't look now, but something we depend upon is an
endangered (technological) species:
I use a Panasonic touch tone phone in the WA0TDA ham shack. It's got a real
electromechanical tactile numeric pad laid out in the standard configuration.
While I can see the keypad to dial, it really isn't necessary since I can also
feel the keys, 10 digits and the star and pound keys, arranged in a known
pattern. Like most keypads of this type, the number 5 key has a raised tactile
bump so that you can find that starting point in complete darkness, or if you
are blind. My Icom IC-7200's keypad is arranged in the same way and also
has the raised tactile on the 5 key.